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An object traveling at 1.6 million km/s has been detected in space! Scientists are astonished

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Space has always attracted the curiosity of mankind, but this time the discovery of an object has stunned the scientific community. Thanks to NASA’s telescope images, amateur scientists have discovered an object moving at 1.6 million km/s in space. At this speed, the object is even on its way to leaving the Milky Way Galaxy. The discovery of such a fast and large object in space has mobilized scientists.

This incredibly fast-moving object is a star, or brown dwarf. Brown dwarfs are known as celestial objects that are neither stars nor planets and do not have enough mass to be stars. However, what makes this discovery unusual is the speed of the object and the fact that it is about to exit the galaxy. Scientists say this object, dubbed CWISE J1249, is on an extraordinary journey through space.

CWISE J1249 was detected by amateur scientists using NASA’s WISE telescope. Between 2009 and 2011, the telescope scanned space at infrared wavelengths to identify distant light sources. Based on these images, amateur scientists Martin Kabatnik, Thomas P. Bickle and Dan Caselden discovered the object and published their results in a paper.

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Work continues to understand the cause of this extraordinary speed. Scientists think that CWISE J1249 may have been ejected from a binary star system. In addition, another theory suggests that the object may have interacted with two black holes in a globular star cluster and was ejected at high speed as a result of this interaction. Analyzing the metal content and other properties of the object also raises the possibility that this object could be one of the first generations in the galaxy.

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